Tiger Take-Off




关闭 Request info for 音乐

Worship Arts Minor

Students electing to minor in worship arts will meet the piano proficiency requirements and will enroll for piano class or private piano study until the requirements are passed. 未成年人 must also pass the Vocal/Conducting Proficiency. Concert attendance is also required during semesters of applied music study.


Course Offerings

音乐ianship: 5 Hours

MUS 101 Theory I (3)
MUS 145 Class Piano I or MUA 102 (1)
MUS 146 Class Piano II or MUA 102 (1)

General 音乐 Electives: 9 Hours

Choose courses totaling at least nine hours from this list:
MUS 308 Computers and 音乐 (1)
MUS 327 Congregational 音乐 (3)
MUS 328 Principles of Worship Leadership (3)
MUS 329 Foundations of Christian Worship (3)
MUS 343 Conducting I (2)
MUS 344 Conducting II (2)
MUS 415 音乐 and Arts in Worship (3)

Ensembles: 3 Hours

MUE 399 Worship Ensemble (1)
MUE 499 Worship Ensemble (1)
MUE ___ (1)

Primary Applied: 4 Hours

Total Hours: 21 Hours